
  • “I have learned a lot from working with Elizabeth. She is passionate about everything she does, yet professional in her doings. Everyone can benefit from having her in their life. She is an advocate for music therapy, but mainly for those who can’t speak for themselves. A true humanitarian. I am thankful I had her skills at TIRR….”

    Maegan Morrow MT- BC Neurologic Music Therapist TIRR Brain Injury Specialist

    “Elizabeth Clark demonstrates a good knowledge base for music therapy and has been very comfortable transitioning into the therapist role. She is seeking out opportunities to add to her knowledge by observing several music therapists in our hospital community at Texas Medical Centre, and gains greater experience daily in treating our patients with neurologic deficits. She has enormous compassion and establishes a positive rapport easily with patients, family members and staff.”

    Amy D Marroquin MT-BC NMT Senior Music Therapist TIRR Internship Director

  • A TBI rehabilitation centre in the South of France.

    Elizabeth brought in the new neurological techniques of music therapy from the USA which benefited and improved patient care.

    (Translated from the French)

    “Elizabeth Clark has proved herself able to adapt easily to pre- existing therapy groups and work along side our multi- disciplinary team. She brought and developed specific music therapy techniques acquired in the USA. Motivated to share these tools with different therapists, she introduced a new dynamic for co – treating and working as a team with patients.”

    Madame Helene Bissieres
    Head Music Therapist
    CH Paul Coste Floret

  • The effects of the music therapy interventions Elizabeth has delivered were almost immediately identifiable. We are delighted that she has been able to not only initially engage those clients that have previously been unwilling or unable to engage, but has managed to retain them through the entire sessions. As a result of this we have seen a marked improvement in the willingness of these clients to engage in other activities and their ability to communicate more effectively with their peers and the staff. Most importantly of all, our clients have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions.

    Charlotte Leask, Service Manager

    Headway Nottingham Brain Injury Association

  • I knew that traditional talking therapy would actually set my daughter back further, so I had thought about music therapy as she enjoyed playing instruments and actually "used" music to help her through her bad and good days, it would give my daughter something to connect with a therapist over.
    I spoke to local professionals who all advised me to talk to Elizabeth. I googled her services and at every point I thought "This is exactly the person my daughter needs to be with"
    Elizabeth's warm and positive aura put my daughter at ease immediately and has helped her to process her own thoughts in a safe and positive environment. The sessions also gave my daughter a mental toolbox, lots of tips, advice and actual processes she could implement into her normal day to help her. My daughter has returned to Elizabeth after a family separation and has found the sessions to be extremely helpful, beneficial and she feels empowered.
    I was so anxious at the start of this journey but now I couldn't be more grateful to Elizabeth and her wonderful service for giving my daughter the tools to regain herself and become stronger than she was before.
    Mother - 17year old Client. Mrs W

    I enjoyed the music and being involved. The music therapy session provided a safe space to express my feelings and emotions. It alleviated my anxiety.


  • I really recommend a sound therapy session with Elizabeth. I really enjoyed mine and felt like l was in safe hands and able to properly relax into it...
    Samantha T.

    Thank you Elizabeth for such a beautiful healing sound bath. You have such skill and your voice is incredible. I felt totally relaxed and grounded after our session. Looking forward to booking further healing in the new year.
    Liz L.

    Thanks Elizabeth for another powerful sound healing.
    This time, I felt excited about my life and as if my body were truly aligned with my purpose. I could feel a release of overall stiffness within my neck, legs and back afterwards.
    The images I had as you were doing the session were beautiful and empowering.
    It was as if my body was opening up its energy centres even more and flowing with every heartbeat. Highly recommend your sessions.


    Thank you so much for the session, I really enjoyed it and would certainly recommend to friends.
    Think I’ll have to become a regular!
