HeartMath Practitioner

With each beat, the heart not only acts as a pump, but also continually transmits dynamic patterns of neurological, hormonal, pressure and electromagnetic information to the brain and throughout the body.

HeartMath has discovered that our heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of our inner state. By adding heart, you can shift in the moment into a state of balance and renewing feelings, such as appreciation, care, love and compassion. This also puts us into a state of coherence.

Coherence is a state of optimal function where the heart, mind and emotions are in synchronisation. Physiologically, the immune, hormonal and nervous systems function in a state of energetic coordination.

The HeartMath techniques, with practice, enable the individual to access this coherent state, characterised by both sympathetic and para- sympathetic arousal, creating a sense of calm but also alert receptivity. As the ability to self-regulate emotions improves, clients and patients are able to neutralize and replace depleting emotions and shift the emotional and physiological dynamics that may be exacerbating a wide range of medical and psychological conditions.

I employ these simple techniques in therapy sessions with most of my clients and find them to be most beneficial when working through challenging emotions or dissociation from trauma.

For more information about HeartMath and the science behind these protocols visit :

