Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a holistic therapy operating on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Everything in the world is in constant state of vibration, modern physics confirms this, and provides evidence of the power of sound waves to shape and transform matter. All matter is sound and emits sound, though some of these sounds are beyond our limited physical sense of hearing.

The science of cymatics is the study of sound wave phenomena, discovered by German scientist Dr Hans Jenny in the 1960’s. His experiments showed that fine powders; lycopodium, sand and iron filings when placed on a flat metal plaque and vibrated with sound waves, arranged themselves into intricate patterns. The powders gathered in the troughs of the sound waves, highlighting where the sound was denser. Cymatics demonstrate that certain frequencies of sound can positively affect the human organism.

Sound therapy is based on the principle of “sympathetic resonance”. Resonance is the vibratory rate of an object, and sympathetic resonance is when one vibrating object causes another to vibrate in harmony with it or match its rate of vibration.

What you can expect from a session

It is designed to promote a sense of well – being and peace. One client described it as ‘like a massage with sound’. It is a gentle, receptive therapy for the relief of everyday stresses and strains, however it is not recommended for people who suffer from musicogenic epilepsy or epileptic related conditions.

For more information about this treatment please contact me.